Richard Schmoyer’s Sunquest won the Sky and Telescope Sundial of the Year competition in 1966.
The Sunquest Sundial also was featured in several other publications, including:
- ALCOA Distributor. 1964. Aluminum Views. Fourth quarter issue, page 5.
- Aluminum Company of America. 1964. ALCOA Aluminum News-Letter. August issue, cover, page 3.
- Clark, Ken. 1997. “Richard Schmoyer: A Pioneer Designer of Sundials.” Lancaster Era. June 7, page A10.
- Cousins, Frank W. 1970. Sundials: The Art and Science of Gnomonics. New York: Pica Press.
- Huffer, Charles M., Frederick E. Trinklein, and Mark Bunge. 1973. An Introduction to Astronomy. Second Edition. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., page 105.
- Stong, C.L. 1959. “The Amateur Scientist” in Scientific American. Volume 200, Issue 5 (October), pages 185-198.
- Stong, C.L. 1960. “A Sundial that Keeps Clock Time.” The Scientific American Book of Projects for The Amateur Scientist. New York: Simon and Schuster, chapter 8.
- Waugh, Albert E. 1973. Sundials: Their Theory and Construction. New York: Dover Publications.
Additional Information:
- Technical Drawings 1958-1971 engineering drawings of the Sunquest sundial.
- Sunquest Gnomon 1958, high-resolution technical drawing of gnomon.
- Sunquest Sundial Drawing 1958, sketch of the complete sundial.
- Sunquest Manual 1959, early version of setup instructions.
- Sunquest Sundial Drawing 1965, sketch of the complete sundial.
- Sunquest Manual 1983, with instructions on how to machine, assemble, and setup the sundial.
- Southern Hemisphere 1971, design modifications for the southern hemisphere.
- Sunquest Brochure, promotional literature.